Don't forget that we celebrate NSPCC Number Day on Friday 7th February! Come to school in non uniform with a number theme!

Our Vision


Our vision at Fowey Primary School is to open the door to the world beyond.  We want children at our school to have a sense of place and to be full of knowledge and wonder for the world they live in. Our learners are resilient, confident and ready to take on challenges with pride and determination.


To provide an aspirational school environment which prepares learners with the knowledge, values and skills for them to become responsible, effective and ambitious citizens.


At Fowey Primary School we C.A.R.E about our world, our learning, each other, our families, our community and ourselves


Here at Fowey, children appreciate the importance of learning together and sharing our knowledge. They understand that through learning and collaboration, they are able to open doors and create pathways. Their successes will drive forward their ambitions.


Our pupils know the importance of having the determination to keep going when things are difficult. Children at Fowey understand that at times they may fail, but we support them to learn from their failures, and go on and achieve their dreams.

Through our curriculum offer, we encourage pupils to be curious and aspire to learn about the world in which we live. By asking questions, exploring perceptions, challenging points of view, and harnessing their inquisitive nature, they increase their understanding of the world and consider their contributions towards it.


The children at Fowey respect other ideas and work. We support them to find what they are good at and provide opportunities to celebrate and respect all achievements. We encourage our pupils so that they all feel success, which supports their happiness and develops their self-respect. We show respect for our school community and the community which we serve, and want to instil this respect in our pupils.


We encourage our pupils to celebrate the differences between all people, cultures, and faiths. We place high importance on our relationships education and use an inquiry approach to develop pupils’ abilities to respectfully disagree. By learning about the world in which they live and the people within it, they have a better understanding and mutual respect for all.


11 by 11

11 by 11 - 11 things the Fowey children will have experienced by the age of 11:

We strongly believe that every child has an entitlement to see and experience ‘the best that has been thought and said’ through rich and meaningful activities and school visits. To support this, we have identified 11 key experiences that every child will enjoy by the age of 11 – our 11 by 11. These are not experiences for a few, but an entitlement to every child who comes to Fowey. The experiences are carefully woven into the curriculum where there are rich learning links to the rest of their studies, making it memorable as well as developing their knowledge and understanding.

1. Read at least 40 quality children’s books through the school’s reading spine

2. Visit historical sites or building -  St Catherines Castle, Fowey and Looe fishing docks, Truro Cathedral

3.Sing in a choir/read out loud or acted and performed to an audience

4. Visit key geographical feature – Fowey Harbour, Bodmin Moor, Brown Willy

5. Experienced the arts  - Fowey Festival, theatre performances, music concerts

6. Understand the importance of the democratic process, school council, book vote, British Values

7. Develop a love of nature and the natural world through visits our local area and beyond

8. Experience different cultures and religions

9. Be amazed at the wonder of the science with opportunities for a visit to a science lab and use Bunsen burners and dissect a heart, beach visits, garden visits

10.Represent the school at a sporting or PE event, for example playing for a school team or participating in sport festivals and sports day and have taken part in a water sport (sailing, paddleboarding. Kayaking)

11, Be a buddy for new children to the school or a new starter in school.


At Fowey we are Fabulous!