Don't forget that we celebrate NSPCC Number Day on Friday 7th February! Come to school in non uniform with a number theme!

Operation Encompass

We are very proud to be part of Operation Encompass, the national project which enables local police forces to share information to schools on domestic abuse. 
We believe that the appropriate sharing of information between professionals is key to keeping children safe. 
As part of this project, we receive information from Devon and Cornwall Police where a domestic abuse incident has occurred, and children from Fowey Primary School were present, before the next school day. This allows us to offer targeted support to those children and their family when they arrive with us. 
We have one key adult for Operation Encompass, Amy Daniels, who has been trained to receive sensitive, confidential information and to best use this information to support children and their families. 
If you have any questions about Operation Encompass, please feel free to come and speak to Amy Daniels. 
Information about the project is below as well as some more information on Operation Encompass itself.